
5e & Pathfinder Monster Hunting & Crafting, Dragon PCs, and Pirate Adventure!

Created by Roll For Combat

Craft ANY gear from slain monsters, Monster Hunting rules, 100+ new award-winning monsters, rules to play one of 45 different Dragons, a level 1-11 pirate adventure, new ancestries, backgrounds, Monster Mage and Vestige Hunter archetypes/subclasses and much more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dragons for Pathfinder Shipping Now, Final Week of Newest Battlezoo Kickstarter & Steve Predicts the Future!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 03:33:44 PM

 Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for Pathfinder Shipping Now!

Last Friday, the warehouse received the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons hardcover book, and we will begin shipping those books out to people this week. For those of you who ordered just the Battlezoo Bestiary and Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons, your books will ship. However, for those of you who also ordered the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover as well, all three of those books will need to ship together.

However, if you don't wish to wait and want to have split shipping instead (Dragons and Bestiary ship now, Isles ships later), please contact us directly via direct message, and we can work that out with you.

All those dragons, just waiting to be unleashed!

 Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E Hardcover Update

As for the 5E version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons hardcover, the book is being printed and shipped to the warehouse currently. We expect the books to arrive in October, with shipping to proceed immediately after they arrive. We will keep you up-to-date on the books as they travel to the warehouse, but they are on the way!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Update

The good news is that we were waiting on several maps to be completed for the first two adventures before we could finish the layout of the books. Unfortunately, these maps were of the Isles themselves, including the treasure map, so we couldn't finalize the layout of the first two adventures until those were finalized. 

Last week Blando finished those maps, which means we have all the maps for the first two adventures complete, and Blando is quickly working on finalizing the maps for the third and final adventure. With the maps complete, we can finalize the layout of the first two adventures of the Adventure Path and send out those PDFs to backers very shortly.

Trust me, we can't wait to get this adventure into everyone's hands, expect to see the PDFs in your email shortly!

The books are nearly done! Just hold on a bit longer!

Our Newest Kickstarter Ends This Friday!

For those of you who enjoyed the Battlezoo Bestiary and the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons books, I truly think you will enjoy what we are releasing in our newest Kickstarter, which ends this Friday!

Please support the Kickstarter if you like what we are producing so that we can keep making you awesome 5E and Pathfinder products!

Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual

Inside the Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange & Unusual, you will find:

  •  150 RPG Superstar monsters separated by copper, silver, gold, platinum, and the grand prize winners
  •  Aberrant Soul archetype/subclass for characters who are slowly transforming into an aberration!
  • New options for the Monster Parts crafting system 
  • New rules on how to refine monster parts into custom weapons, armor, shields, skill items, magic items, and more 
  •  New imbuing categories, including properties for all eldamon elements that don't currently have them (air, earth, water, and many stretch goal elements) and weird ones like the tentacular "extension" imbued property.
  • New character backgrounds
  •  New magic items based on the RPG Superstar monsters
  • 150+ illustrations
The Gunpower Bear: Where else can you attack your players with a teddy bear that blows up?

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters

Go beyond the ordinary and make your 2023 a year you'll never forget with Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters. From the mind of Pathfinder 2nd edition co-creator Mark Seifter, who brought you playable dragons and playable dungeons in the previous Battlezoo Ancestries volumes, Year of Monsters delivers a new and unusual monster ancestry each month for a full year, for 12 in total, plus a compilation book at the end with additional bonus content that you can get in touch and help decide!

Talk with Stephen & Mark All Week Long!

During the last week of the Kickstarter, we are doing a big push and will be available to answer questions and discuss the latest TTRPG news and info. This week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, make sure to check out the Roll For Combat YouTube channel, as we'll be live those days at 2:00 pm EDT. We are also appearing on the Knights of Last Call channel on Thursday, at 7:00 pm EDT as well, which should be pretty ruckus if last time was an indication.

Today's show should be pretty interesting for those curious about the future of Dungeons & Dragons.

Six months ago, Steve predicted the future of D&D and accurately predicted just about everything announced concerning One D&D by Wizards of the Coast with 100% accuracy. Today at 2 pm EDT, Stephen Glicker, Mark Seifter, and Nonat1s will continue their 100% accurate predictions on the future of D&D, what to expect from One D&D, and will answer your questions live!

Updated Dragon 5E PDF, Jewel of the Indigo Isles Updates, Battlezoo Previews
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 07:59:28 AM

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E PDF, Updated to Version 4 

Today we updated the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E PDF to version 4 (the Pathfinder version remains the same). Everyone should download this version from their account as it's the most up-to-date version and fixed a few vital items from the prior versions. This is the same version that is being printed, so it's the most accurate version of the book. As always, you should have received an email telling you that the book was released via PDF, but if you didn't, you can log in to your Backer account to download the PDF today. You can also access your account here if you are having issues with the link above: We will also be updating the VTT to reflect these changes as well.

 Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for Pathfinder Hardcover Update

The books should be arriving in our warehouse within the next two weeks. As soon as they arrive, we will begin the fulfillment of these books to backers. The 5E will follow right behind this one. For those also waiting for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcovers, we are in the process of setting up split shipments to allow for backers to receive these books as they arrive without having to wait for the Jewel books to be completed. More on this shortly. 

The Indigo Isles!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Update

Currently, the playtesters are reviewing all the files for final updates. We are currently working on the following for release to all Jewel backers:

  •  FREE Jewel of the Indigo Isles Player's Guide -- this is a free PDF with all the information a player needs to build a character perfect for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles adventure path! With advice on the most fitting character options, special backgrounds that have links to the adventures, and even a full-length gazetteer for the starting city of Rumplank, the player's guide is full of useful information.
  •  Indigo Isles Character Guide -- this book outlines the various character options for players to experience the ancestries, specific familiars, archetype feats, deities, and more from the Indigo Isles! Plus, with Rumplank and Seaview gazetteers, you can learn about two of the largest settlements in the Indigo Isles.
  •  Jewel of the Indigo Isles -- This is the main adventure! The characters begin by accepting a royal request to complete a magical map but are soon swept up in a much larger quest that will shape the Indigo Isles forever. We plan to start releasing this book in chapters to backers, starting with the first book, Search for the Missing Map by Patrick Renie. This will allow backers to start to play the adventure right away while we continue to finish up the second and third adventures.

Look for these PDFs to be released shortly to all Jewel backers! 

Free hard leather dice case for the first 48 hours to all physical orders!

Join Us on July 26th for the Evolution of the Battlezoo Books!

Last time we gave away a soft leather dice case. This year we're giving away a hard leather dice case to all physical orders during the first 48 hours! Inside the hard leather case is a sponge cushion specially designed to hold your "best" set of dice. Treat your favorite set of dice to the carrying case they deserve! Make sure you put in your order within the first 48 hours from July 26th to July 28th to receive this free hard leather dice case!

Battlezoo Eldamon Preview

Befriend, Train, Battle, and Evolve over 160 monsters with 10+ distinctive elements with Battlezoo Eldamon! Eldamon are ancient creatures slightly out of phase with reality that like to meld into items, creatures, and locations. You can add them seamlessly into any setting, allowing characters to interact with and collect them without disrupting the established adventure or requiring the GM to rebuild or change the encounters.

Control and channel eldamon using two new 5E and Pathfinder classes! Anyone can befriend eldamon and have them fight playful mock duels with each other, but only the eldamon trainer class can phase them into our world in order to use them in combat against deadly threats. Meanwhile, as an elemental avatar, you have a powerful but quiescent eldamon melded into you for a long period of time, gaining the strange abilities eldamon possess for yourself. Battlezoo Eldamon is perfect for monster trainer lovers of all ages. The rules are simple enough to be a great way to introduce children to the game but deep enough to offer a variety of combinations for strategic players.

Inside the Battlezoo Eldamon you will find:

  •  Over 160 eldamon, up to 240 (or more) with stretch goals
  • 10-20 elements, each with a unique playstyle, special moves, and other abilities for your eldamon to learn
  •  The eldamon trainer class, which befriends eldamon and phases them in to fight as described above
  •  The elemental avatar class embodies an eldamon and manifests its power as described above
  •  Rules, guidelines, and tables allow you to customize the experience of adding eldamon to your game, allowing everything from a completely hands-off approach to tight integration with the story
  •  Setting information and variants to easily include eldamon in any setting, whether they are rare or invisible to most people (explaining why no one has mentioned them before) or ubiquitous and well-known by all

 Eldamon Battles Card Game Preview

The Eldamon Battles card game is a fast-paced game of cleverness, skill, and guessing your opponent's decisions, designed to mirror a D&D or Pathfinder eldamon duel but run faster and more strategically in about 5 to 10 minutes.

Eldamon Battles isn't about luck of the draw. If you buy the set, you get every card you need and don't have to chase rares -- you start with all your cards available to play. To win, you need to guess what your opponent is going to do and play your cards in the right order with good timing to eke out an advantage. You can even play solo by facing off against an opponent who shuffles the cards and plays them at random!

Each set gives you eldamon from two different elements, the cards for those elements' abilities, and some universal abilities you can use with any eldamon. You can use the quick play suggested ability sets for a fast 1-on-1 game in the middle of the session, or mix and match to create a versatile team and engage in a longer battle with multiple eldamon!

Eldamon Battles non-collectible card game features

  • Season 1 starts in 2023 with Fire & Ice
  •  Throughout 2023 five core decks will be released, each deck focusing on two elemental powers and includes multiple eldamon reflecting these elements
  •  One deck has enough cards for two players, or you can mix and match decks to create a unique eldamon battles lineup
  • A standalone game that can be played in multiple ways and with multiple people
  • Play a quick, fun game that can be completed in 5-10 minutes
  • Or play using the competitive tournament method to play with multiple eldamon
  • Eldamon Battles will also work directly with Battlezoo Eldamon and allow Eldamon Trainer to utilize the deck when utilizing their eldamon powers
  • By pledging for the Eldamon Battles card game, you will automatically be invited into the private playtest!

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monster Preview

Go beyond the ordinary and make your 2023 a year you'll never forget with Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters. From the mind of Pathfinder 2nd edition co-creator Mark Seifter, who brought you playable dragons and playable dungeons in the previous Battlezoo Ancestries volumes, Year of Monsters delivers a new and unusual monster ancestry each month for a full year, for 12 in total, plus a compilation book at the end with additional bonus content that you can get in touch and help decide!

Explore an entire Year of Monsters throughout all of 2023:

  •  One new ancestry/race will be released each month throughout all of 2023.
  • Each ancestry/race is designed to provide a unique playable monster for any 5E or Pathfinder 2e game. 
  • At the end of the year, the Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters Compilation book will be released, containing all the previous entries, plus more!
  • Automatically includes the Foundry VTT module for 5E or Pathfinder 2e that automatically updates every month along with the newly released ancestry/race.

Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual Preview

Are you ready for the weirdest and most unexpected award-winning monsters around? Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual is the long-awaited effort of the 2021 RPG Superstar contest, in which hundreds of monster fans and aspiring designers submitted their most unusual creature ideas to be judged by both professional RPG Designers and the community. Following the competition’s extended hiatus, Paizo licensed Roll For Combat to run this exciting contest, and this is the result! In addition to the monsters, you'll find an exciting expansion to the monster parts system from the original Battlezoo Bestiary and more!

Inside the Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange & Unusual, you will find:

  •  150 RPG Superstar monsters separated by copper, silver, gold, platinum, and the grand prize winners
  •  Aberrant Soul archetype/subclass for characters who are slowly transforming into an aberration!
  • New options for the Monster Parts crafting system 
  • New rules on how to refine monster parts into custom weapons, armor, shields, skill items, magic items, and more 
  •  New imbuing categories, including properties for all eldamon elements that don't currently have them (air, earth, water, and many stretch goal elements) and weird ones like the tentacular "extension" imbued property.
  • New character backgrounds
  •  New magic items based on the RPG Superstar monsters
  • 150+ illustrations

More Books Ship, PDF Updates, Plushies, Minis, Free Dice Case, and More!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 06:09:49 AM

Shipping Has Begun for Battlezoo Bestiary 5E!

As quickly as the books arrive we ship them out!

Battlezoo Bestiary for 5E — The books are starting to arrive in a steady stream from China and we just received our Battlezoo Besitary 5E books this week. For those who have ordered (only) the Bestiary for 5E (both standard and special editions), we will start shipping those shortly. If you have other books in your order, we will be waiting for the additional books to arrive in order to put your books into a single shipment. However, if you really want your book now and want to split your shipment into two shipments, please contact us directly and we'll work with you on splitting your shipping into multiple orders.

The book is in the warehouse!

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E PDF, Updated to Version 3 

Today we updated the PDF to version 3, everyone should download this version from their account as it's the most up-to-date version and fixed a few vital items from the prior versions. This is the same version that is being printed so it's the most accurate version of the book. As always, you should have received an email telling you that the book was released via PDF, but if you didn't, you can log in to your Backer account to download the PDF today. You can also access your account here if you are having issues with the link above:

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons 5E Foundry VTT Module Released

A few weeks ago we completed the Foundry VTT module for Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons 5E and keys were sent to everyone who pre-ordered it. As of now, Foundry modules for both the Battlezoo Bestiary and Dragons have been released for 5E and Pathfinder. We are still working on the other modules as they are more difficult to implement, but if you wish to change an order from Roll20 to Foundry VTT, please contact us and we will switch over your order (as they are both the same price).

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Update

The good news, this will probably be the largest, most comprehensive, most detailed adventure path you have ever seen. For comparison, an "average" word count for a Pathfinder Adventure Path ranging from Levels 1-11 is somewhere around 95,000 words. Jewel of the Indigo Isles is clocking in at around 215,000 words?!? And that does NOT include the monster stat blocks, the new ancestries, the backgrounds, new magic items, details on The Balance, and so many other items.

Altogether, this adventure is looking to be over 320,000 words in length with additional supporting materials... we might have overdone it a bit.

The bad news is that we are still working on it as this thing is a monstrous beast. It is close to being done, but because of the sheer size and complexity of this adventure, we want to make sure everything is done right. But we are continuing to work on this and will probably release this in stages as it's complete at this point so that people can start to plan and play this fantastic adventure.

In the meantime, here is another amazing map from Blando, the isle of Goldcrop where you begin your adventure.

Goldcrop Isle, where you begin your adventure in the town of Rumplank

Our Next Kickstarter Launches on July 26th!

In just a few weeks our next Kickstarter is launching, and this one is going to be a monster! The good news is that we learned a lot from our first one, and added Mark Seifter to the staff full-time to ensure that we get everything we propose out on time. A few updates to this Kickstarter since our last announcement. 

The Free Giveaway, Protect Your "Special" Dice (You Know Which Those Are) 

Free hard leather dice case for the first 48 hours to all physical orders!

Last time we gave away a soft leather dice case. This year we're giving away a hard leather dice case to all physical orders during the first 48 hours! Inside the hard leather case is a sponge cushion specially designed to hold your "best" set of dice. Treat your favorite set of dice to the carrying case they deserve! Make sure you put in your order within the first 48 hours from July 26th to July 28th to receive this free hard leather dice case!

 Did Someone Say Eldamon Plushies?

These are the prototype eldamon plushies you can befriend and take home!

Sure we're offering 19 books, dice, minis, and other surprises, but wouldn't it be cool if you could play with a "life-sized" eldamon plushie at the game table while you summon/collect various eldamon during play? Well, we got you covered! Several tiers will offer multiple 8" plushies as part of your order and these plushies are of the highest quality... many Kickstaters have offered plushies of this quality as just the Kickstarter itself. For us, this is simply one of the many items you will receive as part of your order! 

But wait, there's more!

Everyone Loves Minis!

The "plushie tier" will also include 10 Battle Form Eldamon Minis!

We said this was a huge Kickstarter, and we weren't kidding! At the "plushie tiers," you will also receive 10 Battle Form Eldamon resin minis. These minis can be used in both your 5E or Pathfinder games (as ANYONE can befriend an Eldamon and summon their battle form) or the Eldamon Battles card game. 

But wait, there's more!

Embossed Hard Leather 100-Page Eldadex Notebooks!

Make sure to record your Eldamon collection in these embossed, hard-leather notebooks!

Did we mention this was going to be a massive Kickstarter? In addition to the books, the plushies, the minis, and the dice, we are also offering embossed hard leather 100-page Eldadex books as well! Use these books to record your Eldamon findings or just as regular notebooks, but they are sure to impress!

Believe it or not, there are yet more surprises coming... In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the various books and offerings for your Pathfinder and 5E games, check out the interviews below:

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E Out Now! Plus Books Begin Shipping!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 12:40:01 PM

Battlezoo Ancestries Dragons for 5E PDF is Now Available!

Hazzah! The book is complete!

After a lot of work and playtesting, we are happy to announce that the PDF for Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E has been released! You should have received an email telling you that the book was released via PDF, but if you didn't, you can log in to your Backer account to download the PDF today. You can also access your account here if you are having issues with the link above:

Battlezoo Bestiary for Pathfinder Hardcover Begins Shipping!

Some people might have noticed they were receiving shipping notices last week as Battlezoo Bestiary for Pathfinder 2e has begun shipping to those who ordered it. Both the Standard Edition and Special Edition are being shipping, along with the stickers, pins, and hunter's dice case. Be on the lookout for these books in the wild!

 Jewel of the Indigo Isles for PF2 and 5E Update

The Final Layout for Adventure #1 is Nearly Complete. Our time was recently split between finishing up Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E and completing the Indigo Isles. However now that Dragons is complete, we can focus our full attention on completing the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path. We might release each adventure as it's complete so that those of you who wish to start playing the adventure can do so right away! Look for the PDF in your mailbox soon!

Our Next Kickstarter Coming This July!

Our Next Kickstarter is Coming Next Month!

We have announced our next Kickstarter, and it's going to be massive! Like last time, we are releasing three new books, but this time, we are doing oh so much more! A new card game! A year of monsters! And so much more! Check it out!

Battlezoo Eldamon PDF & Hardcover Book

Befriend, Train, Battle, and Evolve over 160 monsters with 10+ distinctive elements with Battlezoo Eldamon! Eldamon are ancient creatures slightly out of phase with reality that like to meld into items, creatures, and locations. You can add them seamlessly into any setting, allowing characters to interact with and collect them without disrupting the established adventure or requiring the GM to rebuild or change the encounters. Within this tome are two new classes! Anyone can befriend eldamon and have them fight playful mock duels with each other, but only the eldamon trainer class can phase them into our world in order to use them in combat against deadly threats. Meanwhile, as an elemental avatar, you have a powerful but quiescent eldamon melded into you for a long period of time, gaining the strange abilities eldamon possess for yourself. Battlezoo Eldamon is perfect for monster trainer lovers of all ages. The rules are simple enough to be a great way to introduce children to the game, but deep enough to offer a variety of combinations for strategic players.

Every week we're publishing a new Eldadex entry highlighting each of the many Eldamon!

Eldamon Battles Card Game Season 1: Fire & Ice

Easy to play, hard to master!

The Eldamon Battles card game is a fast-paced game of cleverness, skill, and guessing your opponent's decisions, designed to mirror a D&D or Pathfinder eldamon duel but run faster and more strategically, in about 5 to 10 minutes. Eldamon Battles isn't about luck of the draw. If you buy the set, you get every card you need and don't have to chase rares, and in battle you start with all your cards available to play. To win, you need to guess what your opponent is going to do and play your cards in the right order with good timing to eke out an advantage. You can even play solo by facing off against an opponent who shuffles the cards and plays them at random! Each set gives you eldamon from two different elements, the cards for those elements' abilities, and some universal abilities you can use with any eldamon. You can use the quick play suggested ability sets for a fast 1 on 1 game in the middle of the session, or mix and match to create a versatile team and engage in a longer battle with multiple eldamon!

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters - One New Monsterous Ancestry/Race Released Every Month in 2023!

One new ancestry/race will be released every month throughout all of 2023. Includes the Foundry VTT module and a compilation book at the end of the year!

Go beyond the ordinary and make your 2023 a year you'll never forget with Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters. From the mind of Pathfinder 2nd edition co-creator, who brought you playable dragons and playable dungeons in the previous Battlezoo Ancestries volumes, Year of Monsters delivers a new and unusual monster ancestry each month for a full year, for 12 in total, plus a compilation book at the end with additional bonus content that you can get in touch and help decide! With Year of Monsters, you'll get to play the following new ancestries: demon, dungeon (expanded), gremlin, intelligent weapon, nymph, oni, and many more!

More Monsters! More Monster Parts! More Everything!

Are you ready for the weirdest and most unexpected award-winning monsters around? Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual is the long-awaited effort of the 2021 RPG Superstar contest, in which hundreds of monster fans and aspiring designers submitted their most unusual creature ideas to be judged by both professional RPG Designers and the community. Following the competition’s extended hiatus, Paizo licensed Roll For Combat to run this exciting contest, and this is the result! In addition to the monsters, you'll find an exciting expansion to the monster parts system from Battlezoo Bestiary, and more!

Books Are Starting to Arrive in the Warehouse!
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 25, 2022 at 08:08:56 PM

Books are in the warehouse!

Battlezoo Bestiary for Pathfinder 2e —The books have arrived in our warehouse safe and sound! For those who have ordered (only) the Bestiary for PF2e, we will start shipping those shortly, and we'll be putting out a "last call" to finalize your shipping address. If you have other books in your order, we will be waiting for the additional books to arrive in order to put your books into a single shipment. However, if you really want your book now and want to split your shipment into two shipments, please contact us directly and we'll work with you on splitting your shipping into multiple orders.

Battlezoo Bestiary for 5E is printed and scheduled to arrive within the month.

Battlezoo Bestiary for 5E —These books have been shipped and should hopefully be in the warehouse around June 24th.  We will follow the same procedure as the Pathfinder version, we will ship these books right away to those who have ordered only this book, but if you have additional books/items in your order and can't wait, please contact us directly and we'll work with you on splitting your shipping into multiple orders.

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Minis!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Miniatures — After a few false starts on getting these completed, we managed to find an amazing group of artists who create nearly all of the minis for WizKids! We also found another fantastic group to create the STL supports on each mini to ensure they print cleanly and easily. As for the minis themselves, we are printing them using a mixture of Phrozen Aqua 4k Grey and Obsidian Black Tenacious to allow for an excellent balance of durability and detail in each mini. We have tested printing them, shipping them through the mail, and dropping them, and they have passed all of our tests. They are ready to go!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles miniatures, the finished version is on the left, and STL files are on the right.

As you can see above will be shipping these minis with the bases separately to allow you to either place them on your own base, or if you wish to kitbash you can do so without the base getting in the way. We have For those who ordered these minis, they will automatically be included in your order. For those who ordered the STL files, we will be releasing them shortly as a download.

If you are interested in having these miniatures added to your order, they are still on sale during the fulfillment stage (they are normally $7.99 per mini, but they are all still on sale for $5 per mini). You can order a set of 8 miniatures here or the STL files here (which are half-off!)

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for Pathbuilder 2e — The books are being printed and should be shipped shortly. We are looking for the books to arrive in the warehouse in early August and for those who ordered the Battlezoo Bestiary book along with this book, both will be shipped together. As always, as they continue their journey to the States we will keep you up to date.

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E — The content for this book was completed several weeks ago and has been going through playtesting. We are in the process of fine-tuning the content and are in the process of layout and finalization for this product. We apologize for the slight delay, but we wanted to make sure that this book was as good as possible, and added in a few extra weeks of playtesting. But this book should be released as a PDF very soon!

Rumplank, the starting location for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles adventure!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles for PF2 and 5E — This book is nearly complete and we are racing through the final steps. A few updates:

  •  The maps for the adventure are nearly complete. As you can see above, the maps for this adventure are going to be simply stunning and Blando has been outdoing himself! We can't show most of them to you for obvious spoilers, but the party's starting location is the seaside town of Rumplank, which have included above.
  •  The entire adventure has been completed and has gone through playtesting! Are in the process of final editing and layout, but this book is looking to be around 400+ pages in length, so this is taking time as it's a massive book.
  •  The 5E version is being converted at the same time and will follow the PF2 version shortly after the Pathfinder version is complete. Unlike the other books, we expect the Jewel of the Indigo Isles to release for both Pathfinder and 5E at nearly the same time.
  •  The Player's Guide is nearly complete as well. We have a few small bits and pieces here and there that need to be completed, but for the most part, this book is also complete and going through layout and conversion to 5E.

Hunter's Dice Case, Die-Cut Vinyl Monster Stickers, & Hard Enamel Monster Pins — All of these items are all in the warehouse and ready to go! They will automatically be included in your order if you are set to receive them.

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons for 5E — As you might remember, Mark and I created the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dungeons for PF2 in one day for April Fools' Day. We have completed this free PDF for those who wish to play the Dungeon Race for 5E and we will be releasing this to everyone for free next week!

PaizoCon 2022 — Join Roll for Combat in our live streams of PaizoCon this weekend, especially the Future of Battlezoo panel on May 28th at 1 PM Pacific / 4 PM Eastern, where we’ll be revealing HUGE news about our lineup for this year. It’s going to be even bigger than last year’s offerings! Each of these panels will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel, make sure to follow our channel to be alerted whenever we go live!

 Here is a brief overview of each upcoming panel:

  •  Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventures in Rumplank Live Stream
    GM: Mark Seifter
    Players: Stephen Glicker, Nonat1s, Vanessa Hoskins, Linda Zayas-Palmer
    Where: Paizo Twitch & Roll For Combat YouTube
    Time: 4-8 pm PST / 7-11 pm EST, Friday, May 27
     Join the level 1 Jewel of the Indigo Isles iconics in a crazy adventure written by Mark Seifter!
  •  Online Content Creation Q&A
     Stephen Glicker, Mark Seifter, Nonat1s, Vanessa Hoskins
    Where: Cascades Room 7 & Roll For Combat YouTube
    Time: 11 am PST / 2 pm EST, Saturday, May 28
     We will be discussing and answering questions on the many ways you can bring your game and love of roleplaying online to your friends and fans!
  •  Creating a Winning Monster for RPG Superstar!
     Stephen Glicker and Mark Seifter
    Where: Cascades Room 7 & Roll For Combat YouTube
    Time: 12 pm PST / 3 pm EST, Saturday, May 28
     Join Stephen and Mark as they discuss how to create an award-winning monster for any game system, and the announcement of the start of RPG Superstar 2022 with new, exciting prizes!
  •  Battlezoo 2022 Future Products, Spoilers, and Q&A
     Stephen Glicker and Mark Seifter
    Where: Cascades Room 7 & Roll For Combat YouTube
    Time: 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST, Saturday, May 28
    Learn all about the newest books and products from Roll For Combat, including the announcement of their newest product. You won't want to miss this!