
5e & Pathfinder Monster Hunting & Crafting, Dragon PCs, and Pirate Adventure!

Created by Roll For Combat

Craft ANY gear from slain monsters, Monster Hunting rules, 100+ new award-winning monsters, rules to play one of 45 different Dragons, a level 1-11 pirate adventure, new ancestries, backgrounds, Monster Mage and Vestige Hunter archetypes/subclasses and much more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

RPG Superstar Contest Ending Tonight (6/7) at 11:59 PM Eastern!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 09:28:31 AM

There are no more tomorrows for the RPG Superstar 2023 contest! Enter now!

Hi everyone!

The RPG Superstar contest ends tonight at 11:59 PM Eastern! Enter the RPG Superstar 2023 contest for a chance to have your monster in the upcoming Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm. It's really simple to enter. Simply make a Pathfinder 2e monster on the site, and submit it. You can submit up to three monsters, and if you win, you will get paid, and your monster will be published in the next Battlezoo Bestiary!  Of course, you can always ask for help with your monster from the friendly people at the Roll For Combat Discord, who are always willing to give people constructive feedback, but there's not much time left.

And finally, if you want to see what a winning monster looks like, we have a new special bundle, the Battlezoo Bestiary Bundle! Check it out!

~Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat Director of Game Design

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Printer Proof!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 09:40:55 AM

We continue the march to the end of this Kickstarter as we have received printer proofs for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book. We received BOTH the 5E and Pathfinder versions of the book, and once those are approved, all that is left is waiting for the books to arrive in the warehouse.

I appreciate everyone's patience during this long development cycle, but the end is in sight! And here is a little video showing you the book!

Don't Forget to Submit Your RPG Superstar Monster. Only 5 Days Left!

If you don't want fame, fortune, and having your monster printed in the upcoming Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm, then by all means, don't enter the RPG Superstar 2023 contest. We get it; you're busy, and who would want people telling you cool stories about how they killed a party of PCs using your cool monster? Such a hassle!

But for those who want your monster published for all to see, time is running out to enter the RPG Superstar 2023 contest! You have until June 7th, 11:59 pm EDT, to submit your monster to the contest!

It's really simple to enter. Simply make a Pathfinder 2e monster, and submit it. You can submit up to three monsters, and if you win, you will get paid, and your monster will be published in the next Battlezoo Bestiary!

Of course, you can always ask for help with your monster from the friendly people at the Roll For Combat Discord, who are always willing to give people constructive feedback.

And finally, if you want to see what a winning monster looks like, we have a new special bundle, the Battlezoo Bestiary Bundle! Check it out!

Stephen Glicker, Roll For Combat Publisher

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Pathfinder 2e Foundry VTT Module Released!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, May 18, 2023 at 10:25:32 AM

After working very hard on the Foundry module for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles for Pathfinder 2e, we are thrilled to announce that the module has been released!

We created this module with the chief programmer from Sigil (makers of the Paizo Foundry modules) and the Foundry digital team, and the result is a beautiful and easy-to-use module for GMs and players alike.

This module includes the following:

  • An epic adventure for Pathfinder 2nd Edition, taking characters from levels 1 to 11.
  • Written by three of the most-published adventure authors in history.
  • Set in an island chain with several brand new ancestries and heritages to explore
  • Six new backgrounds for players to select to tie them into the adventure, each with its distinctive complications and fates.
  • Two lengthy gazetteers with maps, artwork, and lore on major settlements found in the Isles.
  • Hundreds of tokens, new monsters, new magic items, and new player options.
  • Every monster is either unique for the adventure or from the Battlezoo Bestiary. 
  • Full optional support for crafting items using the Monster Parts System.

You should have received an email telling you that the module was released and you can log onto Backerkit to acquire your unlock code. But if you didn't, you can log in to your Backer account to acquire your module code. You can also access your account here if you are having issues with the link above:

To redeem your key, head to and enter your key into the field at the top of the page. Once you have activated the content on the website, you can install it from inside the Foundry Virtual Tabletop application. You can also reference, which gives instructions about how to activate your purchased premium content.

And if you wish to purchase the module, you can do so here: 

As always, if you have any issues finding your key, please let us know, and we'll send it to you immediately. Thanks!

Jewel of the Indigo Isles Update And Dragons Added To Fantasy Grounds
almost 2 years ago – Mon, May 01, 2023 at 11:32:57 AM

The hardcover Jewel of the Indigo Isles is well underway, and we should have physical proof to show everyone shortly. The hardcover book will include three ribbon bookmarks, the best quality paper for a book of this type, and we're printing the map to the Indigo Isles on the inside cover to make this book that much nicer. Just wait a bit longer; the book will be in everyone's hands shortly!

As for the Foundry VTT version for Pathfinder, we received the playtest version for Chapters 1-4, and we have been playtesting it and making corrections all weekend. We plan to release the first adventure (Chapters 1-4), the intro, and the supporting materials initially for everyone who ordered the Foundry VTT version of the adventure. Then we'll continue to release the later chapters over time as Foundry updates. Otherwise, the initial Pathfinder Foundry VTT release is near complete!

Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Released for Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds just released the long-awaited Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons! I know people have been waiting for this one for a while, so check it out now! We will also continue to work with Fantasy Grounds to release all of our products, so be on the lookout for those as well!

Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual Pathfinder PDF Out Now!

On Friday, we released the next book in the Battlezoo Bestiary library, Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual! If you enjoyed the first book, you'll enjoy this one as it has more monsters, more monster parts rules, new player character options, and much more! Check it out today at!

Don't Forget to Submit Your RPG Superstar Monster, Which Ends This Month!

RPG Superstar 2023 is underway, and you have until May 28, 2023, to submit your three monsters to the contest. Once again, for those unfamiliar with RPG Superstar, the rules are very straightforward:

  • Signup on the RPG Superstar website.
  •  Submit up to three monsters using the tools on the site that adhere to the contest's theme (this year, it's Elemental Storm).
  • Once submissions close, all entries are subject to a round of voting by the public. You can freely promote your monsters as much as you want during this phase!
  • Once public voting closes, the monsters are sorted and ranked. The top monsters then reach the final round, during which industry professionals will rate and comment on these top monsters. 
  •  In the end, 137 winners are chosen and ranked across copper, silver, gold, platinum, and grand prize winners!
  • All winners will have their monsters printed in a new Battlezoo Bestiary by Roll For Combat! 

As stated above, every RPG Superstar has a twist that must be adhered to during submission. For RPG Superstar 2023, the twist this year is that you must select one to three of the 20 eldamon elements and theme your monster after the elements you chose.

For full details on these elements and descriptions of the elements, please visit the RPG Superstar website.

As always, if you have questions about creating a monster for Pathfinder Second Edition or even want help with your monster, join the Roll For Combat Discord today! We have a very friendly community, and everyone is always happy to help each other!

And finally, if you want to see what a winning monster looks like, we have a new special bundle, the Battlezoo Bestiary Bundle! Check it out!

Stephen Glicker, Roll For Combat Publisher

Jewel of the Indigo Isles v1 has been released and hardcover update
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 01:06:48 PM

After hundreds of tiny edits and refinements, we finally released version 1 of Jewel of the Indigo Isles PDF for Pathfinder 2e and 5E. You can download these files via your Backerkit account. Your update will include multiple files, including:

  • The Battlezoo Jewel of the Indigo Isles Free Player's Guide PDF, 
  • Four pre-generated 1st level characters
  • VTT character tokens
  • And Pathfinder players will also receive a Pathbuilder 2e file to build Indigo Isles characters quickly. 

As for the hardcover book, we received the proofs from the printer today, which look great. Trust me, the picture doesn't quite do this justice, but the pages look fantastic. Hopefully, we should start printing next week and shipping back to us shortly after. As always, we will continue to give you updates as we are just as anxious as you are to get these books in your hands!

I would show you more pages from the proof, but I don't want to reveal spoilers!

As for the Foundry module for the Isles, development is underway, and we are currently testing the first part of the adventure. Since the adventure is so large and complex, we want to ensure it's released to everyone in the best shape possible. We also plan to release the first adventure (chapters 1-4) and the toolkits when it's complete. We are still looking into this option, and it should be possible to release the first adventure once it's complete and then the next two as those are completed. We still don't have a timetable for this release, but things are moving along quickly as all the tokens, images, and text have been finalized for the VTT release.

Again, I would show you more if I could but spoilers!

Finally, one question that keeps coming up is, "Can I change my shipping address even though my account is locked?". Yes, as long as your order hasn't shipped, you can change your address. Send us a direct message with your new address, and we'll update it.

We are nearly the final completion of this Kickstarter and will continue to update everyone as more items are completed. As always, if you have any questions, please let us know.

-- Stephen Glicker