Devils Out Now! Evil Eyes Sent to Heralds!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 07:46:48 PM
Devils PDFs, Foundry Modules, and Animated Tokens Out Now!
Getting out devils to everyone was ... a devil of a time! It was tricky to get this released as we had to figure out a way to release the Foundry module separately, as well as the other materials, without messing up the existing Year of Legends. But everyone should have their devils, and if you haven't downloaded your devils yet, here is how you can!
Devils PDFs, Pathbuilder 2e JSON, and Digital Assets
Everyone will find the Devils PDF in their BackerKit account within the downloads section. It will also appear in the Year of Legends PDFs as well, but not until the end of the year! For now, the only way to get Devils is through your BackerKit downloads.
You will also find the Pathbuilder 2e JSON for Devils with all Pathfinder PDFs and digital assets.
Devils Animated Tokens
You will also find the animated tokens within your BackerKit account for download. Those with the animated tokens Foundry module, simply update the module to version 1.1 to have the tokens downloaded into your Foundry module.
Devils Foundry Modules
Those who have purchased the Foundry module will notice a new key in their BackerKit downloads specifically for Devils. We had to release Devils as a separate module as it's unavailable to people outside the Kickstarter. However, at the end of the year, Devils will be added to the Year of Legends Foundry module, but for now, it's a separate module.
Simply use your Foundry key to unlock and install the module as you would any other.
Evil Eyes Released Now to Heralds
Finally, all Heralds can access the downloads section and get their Evil Eyes! As for everyone else, you'll get to see them in a few weeks!
Also, if you are a Legendary Herald and haven't been invited to the private discord channel, please contact me with your email address and discord name, and I'll make sure to add you.
Whew, and with that, Devils is done! More to come!
~ Stephen Glicker, Roll For Combat Publisher
Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E Foundry VTT Released, The Year of Legends Ends This Week, and Battlezoo Black Friday Sale!
about 1 year ago
– Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 10:57:17 AM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E Foundry Module Released!
After much testing and hard work, we are happy to announce the release of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E Foundry Module! Anyone who backed the module should have received an email with a redemption code. The full instructions will be emailed to you, but here is a quick overview of how it works:
You will receive a link to the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry Key for 5E, which automatically includes your discount code. You can either click on this link directly or go to the Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E Foundry page found here and input the code during checkout.
This code will give you a 100% discount off the Foundry Module, but only the 5E version.
- Complete the checkout process and make sure the amount owed is $0 for the Foundry module.
- After you complete checkout, you will receive an email with your Foundry code from "SendOwl Downloads <[email protected]>".
- While you are at the store, feel free to order anything else you might like! :) This discount code can be combined with other products.
Do NOT select any other options on the order page if you are receiving different versions. Only add the 5E Foundry VTT version without any other options.
All Physical Orders Shipped and Completed
All orders, over 6,000 packages, have been shipped and sent. Please let us know if you haven't received an update on your shipment or the package. One small note that is super annoying is that the very last shipment of around 50 packages was sent... and then FedEx lost them. I was told this is fairly common as they aren't lost, but instead, they weren't scanned at one of the shipping destinations. I have been told that 99% of the time, these packages will make it to their final destinations and are found along the way.
The good news is that FedEx found nearly all of these packages last week, but around ten are still missing. We have been in daily contact with FedEx, and these packages nearly always show up, but we will ship replacements if necessary. However, it's quite annoying that of all the shipments, this happened during the very last shipment of the Kickstarter.
The Year of Legends Ends This Week!
Continuing and expanding the incredibly successful Year of the Monsters, Roll for Combat is pleased to announce that 2024 will be the Year of Legends! Throughout 2024, a new playable ancestry or race will be released monthly as a PDF, Foundry module, and digital assets. In keeping with our Battlezoo Ancestries line, each ancestry will be expansive and lavishly illustrated, with substantial explanations of the different facets of their society and plenty of mechanical options to enjoy.
Don't miss out on the Year of Legends Kickstarter, as it ends this week! Back the Kickstarter today to receive:
13 new playable races and ancestries will be delivered every month in 2024!
- Each ancestry can be imported into Pathbuilder 2e!
Talk to Mark and Stephen about these ancestries as they are released!
Get hundreds of animated tokens to amaze your friends!
KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE: Get Devils a year early!
Don't miss out on the Year of Legends; otherwise, you'll need to wait a year to receive these Kickstarter-only exclusives!
Back the Kickstarter now before it's too late!
Battlezoo Black Friday Sale!
To celebrate Thanksgiving, we are having a sitewide sale at! Nearly every product on the site is on sale, and we are having our second-ever Black Friday sale off our most popular products! Get 25% off:
- ALL Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons products, including the hardcover book, PDF, and Foundry Module.
- ALL Battlezoo Bestiary products, including the hardcover book (INCLUDING the special edition), PDF, Foundry Module, and stickers.
- ALL Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual products, including the hardcover book, PDF, and Foundry Module.
- The MASSIVE Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path, including the hardcover book, PDF, Foundry Module, and cloth map.
- ALL Year of Monsters products, including the hardcover book, PDF, and Foundry Module.
All Dragon, Bestiary, and Isles bundles.
Add any of these products to your cart and enter the discount code "TURKEY25" to get 25% off!
This sale ends November 27th at midnight EST, so don't wait!
~~ Stephen Glicker, Roll For Combat Publisher
Last Books Being Shipped Now, The Year of Legends Launched Today!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 04:40:54 PM
A quick update on the final shipments. At the very end of the fulfillment, we ran out of CHDDR pins and had to delay around 35 orders. I contacted the few people waiting for the CHDRR and alerted them of this issue, and the pins came in last week! Finally.
This week, the few remaining orders are going out, and hopefully, all physical products will be 100% fulfilled and complete by the end of this week!
We also pushed a very large update for the Foundry VTT Pathfinder version last week, where we updated a few minor text issues and redid the CSS throughout the module to make it even more awesome. And as for the 5E version, it's nearly complete. We hope to start releasing the module in parts, like we did for the Pathfinder version.
The Year of Legends is on Kickstarter! Back Early and Get Animated Tokens for Free!
Continuing and expanding the incredibly successful Year of the Monsters, Roll for Combat is pleased to announce that 2024 will be the Year of Legends! Throughout 2024, a new playable ancestry or race will be released monthly as a PDF, Foundry module, and digital assets. In keeping with our Battlezoo Ancestries line, each ancestry will be expansive and lavishly illustrated, with substantial explanations of the different facets of their society and plenty of mechanical options to enjoy.
All orders of $99 or more will receive an animated token pack for use in Foundry or your preferred VTT! Get this $99 pack for free, but hurry! Only people who back within the first 72 hours get this for free!
You can see them in action below!
The Year of Legends consists of:
January Bonus: Devils are hellspawn that destroyed their infernal contract to take charge of their future!
January: Angels are the hosts of the heavenly realms, who sometimes fall from their original duty and take on their own calling.
February: Evil eyes are creatures whose bodies are made up mainly of an enormous eye, which can become capable of various magical effects.
March: Sphinxes are creatures with leonine bodies who typically love riddles and mysteries, though some of their heritages might buck that trend.
April: Gargoyles are proud hunters of the night who can take the form of statues to hide in plain sight.
May: Werecreatures can transform into an animal or hybrid form, and they feel the call of the wild when the moon is full.
June: Lamias have a humanoid upper body and a snake or lion lower body, originating from a powerful curse many generations ago.
July: Giants look like enormous humans and are often associated with an element like fire or ice.
August: Golemborns are living creatures who possess certain golem properties.
September: Swarmbloods are creatures whose internals comprise a swarm of tiny creatures.
October: Psychopomps are guides of the dead who help souls pass on and destroy undead and others who disrupt the cycle of life and death.
November: Cerebrophages originally formed when an incutilis bonded symbiotically with a human host rather than killing them and puppeteering their bodies, and they devour the brains of humanoids to maintain their unique biology.
December: Arboreals are trees that come to life, often serving as guardians of nature.
~Stephen Glicker, Roll for Combat Publisher
Nearly All Books Have Been Shipped!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 02:24:18 PM
The Books Are Arriving!
I spoke to the warehouse today; over a thousand orders have been shipped. Approximately 95% of all book orders have been fulfilled, and we are finalizing the last few books.
For those waiting for your books and wishing to track your packages, especially international orders, I suggest using as it's the most accurate and easy-to-use tracking website.
And, of course, if you have any questions, please send me a direct message, and we'll get back to you with any questions or issues you might have.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT Pathfinder 2e FINISHED!
It was a long and complex module to program, but we have finally released the ENTIRE Pathfinder Foundry VTT version of Jewel of the Indigo Isles! This final version includes the last part of the adventure, Part 3, and was BY FAR the largest section in the book. Giving too many details would spoil it, but those who have read it know what we're talking about!
In addition, we also added several background soundtracks to the module after several requests to add these. To obtain these new background soundtracks, re-install Part 1 of the module to have them appear in your existing games.
And if you want to purchase this module, you still can here.
The Year of Legends is Coming in 2024! Early Backers Get a Secret 13th Ancestry FOR FREE!
Continuing and expanding the incredibly successful Year of the Monsters, Roll for Combat is pleased to announce that 2024 will be the Year of Legends! Throughout 2024, a new playable ancestry or race will be released monthly as a PDF, Foundry module, and digital assets. In keeping with our Battlezoo Ancestries line, each ancestry will be expansive and lavishly illustrated, with substantial explanations of the different facets of their society and plenty of mechanical options to enjoy.
And if you back early, you'll receive an exclusive secret 13th race or ancestry FOR FREE! What is this secret ancestry? Who knows? But you will find out when the Kickstarter goes live next month, and it will be amazing!
The only way to get this top-secret 13th race or ancestry for free is to back the Kickstarter in the first 48 hours! So make sure to sign up for alerts today! Just click the button below for all the details!
The Year of Legends will consist of
- January: Angels are the hosts of the heavenly realms, who sometimes fall from their original duty and take on their own calling.
- February: Evil eyes are creatures whose bodies are made up mainly of an enormous eye, which can become capable of various magical effects.
- March: Sphinxes are creatures with leonine bodies who typically love riddles and mysteries, though some of their heritages might buck that trend.
- April: Gargoyles are proud hunters of the night who can take the form of statues to hide in plain sight.
- May: Werecreatures can transform into an animal or hybrid form, and they feel the call of the wild when the moon is full.
- June: Lamias have a humanoid upper body and a snake or lion lower body, originating from a powerful curse many generations ago.
- July: Giants look like enormous humans and are often associated with an element like fire or ice.
- August: Golemborns are living creatures who possess certain golem properties.
- September: Swarmbloods are creatures whose internals comprise a swarm of tiny creatures.
- October: Psychopomps are guides of the dead who help souls pass on and destroy undead and others who disrupt the cycle of life and death.
- November: Cerebrophages originally formed when an incutilis bonded symbiotically with a human host rather than killing them and puppeteering their bodies, and they devour the brains of humanoids to maintain their unique biology.
- December: Arboreals are trees that come to life, often serving as guardians of nature.
Be sure to sign up to back the upcoming Year of Legends, coming soon!
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Releases This Month!
The World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter just finished, and the PDF will be released next month! We are currently in the process of putting some finishing touches on the PDF and adding the backer islands to the book. This 280-page book does NOT contain any DM-only information and is designed to be used by both players and DMs and is an excellent companion to the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path. Inside this packed book, you will find:
- 10 new ancestries and heritages, including the mangrove fey bacoo, dream rabbit bannog, and harsh perfectionist xotlxotl from the newly released Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual.
- 15 new dragons as monsters (20 for 5e) featuring the entire family of wild dragons from Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons, including the amber, cerulean, harlequin, indigo, and vermilion dragons.
- 10 detailed town gazetteers, each at least four pages, exploring various towns and cities found on the Isles.
- Multiple maps of both the islands and the towns.
- Detailed overview of the key locations within the Isles, including the people, culture, and areas of interest.
- Dozens of story hooks and interesting NPCs can be inserted into any campaign.
- An overview of the ancient spiritual religion known as The Eld allows for the creation of all the Eldamon found throughout the world of Alacar.
- An expanded overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system known as The Balance.
- Seven familiars native to the Indigo Isles.
- New archetypes/subclasses related to the Isles.
Preorder the World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles today and receive the PDF this month!
Where to Find Your Files
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above:
~Stephen Glicker, Roll for Combat Publisher
Jewel Of The Indigo Isles Shipping Update
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 10:06:52 AM
Just a few quick updates on the final fulfillment of the Kickstarter. Approximately 50% of the outstanding orders have been shipped to date. Several thousand orders were remaining, and the fulfillment has been steady. Some people have been asking me about the exact process as they have received notices that their shipping label has been created. Here is the process:
1) A shipping label is created within the system for your order. This shipping label doesn't mean your order has shipped, only that it's in the queue for fulfillment.
2) Next, your order will be packed and labeled.
3) Finally, your order will be shipped. You will receive a notification with your shipping information and tracking number.
As mentioned above, fulfillment has been steady, and everyone will receive their books in time. As always, if you have any questions, please send me a direct message or contact me on Discord, and I'll get back to you.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT Pathfinder 2e
Those with the Foundry VTT version of Jewel of the Indigo Isles know that we finished and released the first two parts and have been working hard on the final chapters. Well, good news! We are finalizing the testing of the complete Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT module, and it should be released next week! For those who already have the module installed, you will need to update the module and install the final part, and you'll be all set. And if you want to purchase this module, you still can here.
The Year of Legends is Coming in 2024! Sign up now!
Continuing and expanding the incredibly successful Year of the Monsters, Roll for Combat is pleased to announce that 2024 will be the Year of Legends! Throughout 2024, a new playable ancestry or race will be released monthly as a PDF, Foundry module, and digital assets. In keeping with our Battlezoo Ancestries line, each ancestry will be expansive and lavishly illustrated, with substantial explanations of the different facets of their society and plenty of mechanical options to enjoy. The Year of Legends will consist of:
- January: Angels are the hosts of the heavenly realms, who sometimes fall from their original duty and take on their own calling.
- February: Evil eyes are creatures whose bodies are made up mainly of an enormous eye, which can become capable of various magical effects.
- March: Sphinxes are creatures with leonine bodies who typically love riddles and mysteries, though some of their heritages might buck that trend.
- April: Gargoyles are proud hunters of the night who can take the form of statues to hide in plain sight.
- May: Werecreatures can transform into an animal or hybrid form, and they feel the call of the wild when the moon is full.
- June: Lamias have a humanoid upper body and a snake or lion lower body, originating from a powerful curse many generations ago.
- July: Giants look like enormous humans and are often associated with an element like fire or ice.
- August: Golemborns are living creatures who possess certain golem properties.
- September: Swarmbloods are creatures whose internals comprise a swarm of tiny creatures.
- October: Psychopomps are guides of the dead who help souls pass on and destroy undead and others who disrupt the cycle of life and death.
- November: Cerebrophages originally formed when an incutilis bonded symbiotically with a human host rather than killing them and puppeteering their bodies, and they devour the brains of humanoids to maintain their unique biology.
- December: Arboreals are trees that come to life, often serving as guardians of nature.
Be sure to sign up to back the upcoming Year of Legends, coming soon!
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Releases This Month!
The World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter just finished, and the PDF will be released next month! We are currently in the process of putting some finishing touches on the PDF and adding the backer islands to the book. This 280-page book does NOT contain any DM-only information and is designed to be used by both players and DMs and is an excellent companion to the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path. Inside this packed book, you will find:
- 10 new ancestries and heritages, including the mangrove fey bacoo, dream rabbit bannog, and harsh perfectionist xotlxotl from the newly released Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual.
- 15 new dragons as monsters (20 for 5e) featuring the entire family of wild dragons from Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons, including the amber, cerulean, harlequin, indigo, and vermilion dragons.
- 10 detailed town gazetteers, each at least four pages, exploring various towns and cities found on the Isles.
- Multiple maps of both the islands and the towns.
- Detailed overview of the key locations within the Isles, including the people, culture, and areas of interest.
- Dozens of story hooks and interesting NPCs can be inserted into any campaign.
- An overview of the ancient spiritual religion known as The Eld allows for the creation of all the Eldamon found throughout the world of Alacar.
- An expanded overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system known as The Balance.
- Seven familiars native to the Indigo Isles.
- New archetypes/subclasses related to the Isles.
Preorder the World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles today and receive the PDF this month!
Where to Find Your Files
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above:
~Stephen Glicker, Roll for Combat Publisher