5e & Pathfinder Monster Hunting & Crafting, Dragon PCs, and Pirate Adventure!
Created by Roll For Combat
Craft ANY gear from slain monsters, Monster Hunting rules, 100+ new award-winning monsters, rules to play one of 45 different Dragons, a level 1-11 pirate adventure, new ancestries, backgrounds, Monster Mage and Vestige Hunter archetypes/subclasses and much more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Product Update
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 09:15:02 AM
I can tell that everyone is anxious to receive their hardcover copies. Trust me, I am just as excited for you to receive these copies! Here is the latest update on the few remaining items outstanding in this Kickstarter:
Both the Pathfinder 2e and the 5th Edition versions of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles are in the process of being printed as we speak. Both versions are being printed at the same time and will be shipped to all backers once they arrive in the warehouse.
As we receive proofs and other items from the printers, I will keep everyone up to date with pictures. As of right now, they are checking the files, as there are nearly 900 pages to check between both books. We have been working with the printer to make sure these books are perfect, and we are nearly done with the setup. As of now, we should receive wet proofs by the beginning of next week, and printing should start by the end of next week.
The books themselves will be of the highest quality. We are using 128gsm Gold East Matt Art paper, each book has three satin-finish ribbon bookmarks embedded into the spine, and the cover is wraparound. Here is a final image of the cover with the bleeds:
That is some spine! It's going to be an awesome book!
As of now, we are looking to ship everything remaining in the Kickstarter by July. As soon as the books arrive, we will start shipping everything else remaining to backers (everything other than these books is already in the warehouse and ready to go).
As for the VTT options, they are being worked on as we speak. Hopefully, all VTT options should be complete before July, but they are moving along smoothly and are looking awesome.
As for the PDFs, we have been receiving feedback on some small issues and layout items here and there (nothing major to date) and have been updating the final PDFs as well as the printed book files. If you find anything in the PDFs, please let us know so that we can ensure the final hardcover book is as perfect as possible.
Once the book goes to press, we will finalize the PDFs and release v1.0 for both Pathfinder 2e and 5th edition. But don't worry! The versions you currently have are 99.99% the same as the "final" versions. Nearly all corrections to date have been minor layout issues. Feel free to use the versions you already have in your games without worry!
Finally, if you are interested in receiving the cloth map for your order and aren't already receiving the map, we are making it possible for you to add this map to your existing order. We need to do this "by hand," so just contact me directly, and we'll arrange for the map to be added to your order. The map is a bit of a spoiler, so we didn't include an image of the map in this post, but you can see what the map looks like here (the cloth map came out great).
Once again, I apologize for the long wait. For better or worse, this was our first major Kickstarter, and we learned a lot during the development of this book. The good news is that it came out amazing, the final book is going to be something to behold, and it will be in your hands in just a few short months.
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. Thanks!
-- Stephen Glicker
Kickstarter Nearly Complete... Indigo Isles for Pathfinder 5e is Out!
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 07:34:49 AM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles is complete!
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Is Complete!
After nearly 10,000 hours of work, we finally finished Jewel of the Indigo Isles for Pathfinder 2e and 5E! Both books can be purchased now at battlezoo.com, and you'll find the most incredible adventure! Inside these books, you will find:
A single cohesive adventure bringing characters from level 1 to level 11 and is nearly 258-thousand words long (about the same size as a "standard" Pazio level 1 to 20 adventure path).
Multiple gazetteers on the towns and areas around the Indio Isles where you can continue to expand and run your own homebrewed adventures.
Complete integration of the Battlezoo Bestiary Monster Parts System directly into the adventure with the option of using "standard" loot as well.
Dozens upon dozens of high-quality maps, created by the map master Jared Blando.
Full-color images of nearly every NPC and monster you'll encounter throughout the adventure.
An adventure that will take you to places never seen before in any adventure and anending in a climax that has to be seen to be believed (sorry, too much of a spoiler to go into details).
Rules detailing variants and options allow you to play this adventure how you want!
An adventure that can be played with families, kids, adults, anyone really. We designed this adventure to work with nearly any group and provide tons of options to allow you to easily modify it to your group and gaming tastes.
What we think is one of the best adventurers ever put to paper, written by three of the most talented and experienced adventure writers on the planet.
As with the Pathfinder 2e version, this is version 0.95 of the adventure. What does this mean exactly? Although this is the final version of the adventure, we expect there could still be small mistakes that slipped through our proofreaders. We still have time to change the print version before it's printed and shipped. So if you find any issues or changes to the adventure, please let us know so we can make that correction for the final, printed version.
If you find a mistake, please let us know at the Roll For Combat Discord so we can update the file. You can join the Roll For Combat Discord channel at http://discord.rollforcombat.com/.
Current Status of the Overall Project
We are very close to finishing the entire Kickstarter. Here is where we are:
With both books complete, they are off to the printer now. Once both books arrive back in the States, all remaining orders will be shipped.
The Indigo Isles cloth map is being printed now and will ship with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles books.
All other physical elements of the Kickstarter -- pins, stickers, minis, and other books -- are complete and in the warehouse. The only items we are waiting for are the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book and cloth map.
We expect all books and items to be sent out to all backers by the end of June 2023.
Finally, the Foundry VTT modules and Roll20 modules for Jewel of the Indigo Isles are underway and moving along smoothly. We expect all modules to be done and sent to backers by June 2023 as well, if not sooner, depending on how testing goes.
We are very close to finishing the entire Kickstarter. Here is where we are: now at rpgsuperstar.com!
Submit up to three monsters using the tools on the site that adhere to the contest's theme (this year, it's Elemental Storm).
Once submissions close, all entries are subject to a round of voting by the public. You can freely promote your monsters as much as you want during this phase!
Once public voting closes, the monsters are sorted and ranked. The top monsters then reach the final round, during which industry professionals will rate and comment on these top monsters.
In the end, 137 winners are chosen and ranked across copper, silver, gold, platinum, and grand prize winners!
All winners will have their monsters printed in a new Battlezoo Bestiary by Roll For Combat!
As stated above, every RPG Superstar has a twist that must be adhered to during submission. For RPG Superstar 2023, the twist this year is that you must select one to three of the 20 eldamon elements and theme your monster after the elements you chose. Here are the elements that must be used:
For full details on these elements and descriptions of the elements, please visit the RPG Superstar website.
As always, if you have questions about creating a monster for Pathfinder Second Edition or even want help with your monster, join the Roll For Combat Discord today! We have a very friendly community, and everyone is always happy to help each other!
Nearing the Finish Line... Indigo Isles for Pathfinder 2e is Complete!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 01:32:34 PM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles (PF2) is Complete!
First, I want to apologize for the delay in getting out this note. We have been working nonstop (and I mean nonstop, like every hour of the day, it seems, for the last few months) on getting Jewel of the Indigo Isles out and done and finishing up this Kickstarter once and for all. The big news is that the "final" version of Jewel of the Indigo Isles for Pathfinder 2e PDF was released to all backers on Saturday, February 18th. So where does that put us exactly with everything then and completing the Kickstarter once and for all? Here is the overview:
On Saturday, we released the (semi) final version of the Jewel of the Indio Isles adventure for Pathfinder 2e! So why is this version 0.9? A few reasons. First, this IS the final version, but with so many pages and interconnected parts, we wanted to allow people to look over the adventure and provide feedback if you find anything incorrect. We will release version 1.0 shortly, which we expect to be 99.99% the same as this version, so feel confident to use this version. Third, this version is missing bookmarks. Those take a significant amount of time to implement, so we wanted to add those to the final version only. And finally, the interactive maps haven't been updated just yet. We will update those as well shortly, but we wanted to get the adventure to you as quickly as possible! If you have any comments about this adventure or find any mistakes, please let us know at our Discord at http://discord.rollforcombat.com/.
The 5e version of Jewel will follow shortly. We are in the process of finishing the 5e PDF and expect to release this in the very near future in the same manner as the Pathfinder 2e version.
We have sent the Jewel of the Indigo Isles file to the printer, and they are in the process of setup and printing the Pathfinder 2e book (the 5e book will follow shortly after). During this setup time, changes can still be made, so while we finalize v0.9 to version 1.0, there will be time to make changes to the print versions to make sure they are as up-to-date as possible.
With the current schedule, we expect the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Pathfinder 2e books to be in the warehouse by late May 2023, with the 5e books arriving shortly after.
The Indigo Isles cloth map is already being printed and will arrive either before the books are done or at the same time.
All other physical elements of the Kickstarter -- pins, stickers, minis, and other books -- are complete and in the warehouse. The only items we are waiting for are the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book and cloth map.
We expect all books and items to be sent out to all backers by the end of June 2023.
Finally, the Foundry VTT modules and Roll20 modules for Jewel of the Indigo Isles are well underway and moving along smoothly. We expect all modules to be done and sent to backers by June 2023 as well, if not sooner, depending on how testing goes.
And with that, hopefully, this Kickstarter can be completely fullied and come to a successful close! I realize that the Jewel of the Indigo Isles book took longer, much longer, than we expected, but it should be well worth the wait. Inside this book, you'll find:
A single cohesive adventure bringing characters from level 1 to level 11 nearly 258-thousand words long (nearly the same size as a "standard" Pazio level 1 to 20 adventure path).
Multiple gazetteers on the towns and areas around the Indio Isles where you can continue to expand and run your own home-brewed adventures.
What we think is one of the best adventurers ever put to paper, written by three of the most talented and experienced adventure writers on the planet.
Dozens upon dozens of high-quality maps created by the map master Jared Blando.
Full-color images of nearly every NPC and monster you'll encounter throughout the adventure.
An adventure that will take you to places never seen before in any adventure before, and ending in a climax that has to be seen to be believed (sorry, too much of a spoiler to go into details).
An adventure that can be played with families, kids, adults, anyone really. We designed this adventure to work with nearly any group and provide tons of options to allow you to easily modify it to your group and gaming tastes.
When I started down this path, pretty much everyone told me I was insane to take on a project of this size and scope... and it turned out they were all correct! But my (extensive) pain is your gain, as now you get to play this epic adventure and witness the insanity!
Stay tuned as we will continue to update the Kickstarter as we finish up the last pieces over the next few months and get everyone their books. As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. Thanks!
Nearly Everything Is Done, Finishing Up Jewel of the Indigo Isles
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 04:56:37 PM
Quick Update and Happy Holidays, Everyone!
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update, as we have been super busy over here! Here is a quick rundown:
The Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons hardcover book for 5E has been shipping out around the world.
All of the minis, pins, stickers and other extras are also shipping out to people.
We have released nearly everything that has been published to date to Foundry and Roll20 and are finishing up anything else not completed.
The only items remaining are the Jewel of the Indigo Isles PDF, hardcover book, VTT modules, and map. We have been working hard on the Jewel of the Indigo Isles, and it's around 93% done. We are simply waiting for the last few maps from the cartographer, but nearly everything has been designed and laid out. Just hold on a bit longer, as we are as anxious to finish this book as everyone else!
As always, if you wish to do split shipping and don't want to wait for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book to ship with the rest of your order, please let me know, and we'll see what we can do.
As for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles VTT module, we are hard at work on this module, and here is a sneak preview of some of the tokens you'll find in this module. It's going to look great!
Sneak preview of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles VTT tokens!
As usual, the best way to keep up on the latest is to head on over to the Roll for Combat Discord channel or sign up for our weekly updates at battlezoo.com. Have a great holiday, and be on the lookout for the final and complete Jewel of the Indigo Isles in the very near future! :)
Yet More New Releases This Week!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 03:52:32 PM
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E Hardcover Book is Shipping Now!
It might not look like much, but those are the Dragon 5E books in the warehouse!
It's been a long couple of months, but the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for 5E Hardcover book just arrived in the warehouse! So what does that mean exactly?
We now have everything in the warehouse except the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcover book. That we don't expect to be completed and in the warehouse until early next year.
If you ordered the Dragons 5E book along with anything else EXCEPT the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book for Pathfinder or 5E, your will ship overthe next few weeks. Please be patient as we get all the orders out, as there are a lot.
If you ordered the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book along with other items but don't wish to wait, you can reach out to us and have what is in the warehouse shipped to you right away. This is called "split shipping," where we split your shipments into two shipments.
Depending upon where you live and the weights of the orders, there may be an extra charge for split shipping. We will let you know after we look at your order.
Due to the holidays and just general insanity, it might take me a day or two to get back to you. If you don't hear back from me in a few days about split shipping, just send me another message, and I'll be sure to get back to you on the options!
And with this book, we are that much closer to completing this Kickstarter in its entirety!
The Indigo Isles Character Guide for 5E is Complete and Out Now!
In addition to the Dragon 5E hardcover release, we also released the final 113-page Indigo Isles Character Guide for 5E this week! Like the other items, this PDF should appear automatically in your BackerKit downloads. Inside this guide, you'll find:
Seven new playable races:
Chochori (people created from living coral)
Galtzagorri (flying mischievous fey)
G'mayun (pirate parrot people)
Hardiggan (warrior ram people)
Kragrak (spiritual rock people)
Orpok (hard-working pig people)
Wildfire leshy (charred plants brought to life)
Six new familiars native to the Indigo Isles:
Astroloptrea (cosmic bats)
Embersap Ooze (oozes that use charcoal to express their emotions)
Mechanical Parrot (mechanical parrots infused with magic)
Seafoam Spirit (leshy water spirits)
Shale Hatchling (baby shale spitters)
Toogtoog (froglike creatures that squirt ink from their heads)
Wildfire Leshy (wooden leshy with the spirit of fire within)
An overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system — The Balance.
A complete history of The Balance, a faith system based upon a family of gods who walk and interact with the world directly.
25 full-page overview of each of the gods found within The Balance, such as Tova, the God of Law, Lilin the God of Chaos, Amon the God of Revelry, Castilli the God of Restraint, Sewa the God of Rogues, and much more!
New feats that allow you to play a pirate of the Indigo Isles!
Full rules and details on the mysterious and powerful Old Woody!
The Pathfinder Indigo Isles Character Guide for Foundry VTT is Out Now!
We released the Indigo Isles Character Guide for Pathfinder PDF a few weeks ago, and now you use this guide in your Foundry games! Those of you who pre-ordered the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT module will have the code to unlock this module automatically added to your BackerKit account.
For everyone else, here is a quick overview of this new module:
With the Indigo Isles Character Guide, you can explore hundreds of new options for your next character with new ancestries, a new pantheon, and new familiars! Play one of the five new and lengthy ancestries: coral chochori with their seven chori, parrotlike g’mayun who almost fell to demonic corruption, ramlike hardriggan with their philosophy of leadership by strength, earthen kragraks that change their forms through rituals and value asymmetry, and porcine orpok who love good meals. There’s also a galtzagorri heritage for sprites and a wildfire leshy heritage for leshies!
The Module Includes
5 brand-new ancestries and two heritages with dozens of pages of lore, naming schemes, and history.
The Balance, a new pantheon made up of 25 deities.
6 exciting new familiars.
Almost 200 feats, features, equipment, and effects to customize your character.
34 journal pages that introduce you to the Indigo Isles along with a regional map and beautiful concept art, as well as the Balance and all of its deities.
The Pathfinder Indigo Isles Character Guide for Roll20 Out Soon!
In addition to the Foundry VTT module, we have finished the Roll20 version of the same module. This is going through testing and should be out shortly! Everyone who pre-ordered the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Roll20 for Pathfinder will automatically receive a code via BackerKit once this is released. Otherwise, you will be able to obtain this new module via the Roll20 marketplace.
Look for more updates and more releases in the near future.