5e & Pathfinder Monster Hunting & Crafting, Dragon PCs, and Pirate Adventure!
Created by Roll For Combat
Craft ANY gear from slain monsters, Monster Hunting rules, 100+ new award-winning monsters, rules to play one of 45 different Dragons, a level 1-11 pirate adventure, new ancestries, backgrounds, Monster Mage and Vestige Hunter archetypes/subclasses and much more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Jewel Of The Indigo Isles Is Starting To Arrive!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 08:49:57 AM
Last week, we started the fulfillment process for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles and all remaining items to all backers... and they are starting to arrive! It has been a long process, and we learned a lot, but I am happy to say that we are nearing the end of this Kickstarter, and everyone should receive their outstanding copies shortly. Be patient as we work through over a thousand orders, and the warehouse fulfills them as quickly as possible. And please share photos of your books as they arrive, like below!
The Year of Legends is Coming in 2024! Sign up now!
Continuing and expanding the incredibly successful Year of the Monsters, Roll for Combat is pleased to announce that 2024 will be the Year of Legends! Throughout 2024, a new playable ancestry or race will be released monthly as a PDF, Foundry module, and digital assets. In keeping with our Battlezoo Ancestries line, each ancestry will be expansive and lavishly illustrated, with substantial explanations of the different facets of their society and plenty of mechanical options to enjoy. The Year of Legends will consist of:
January:Angels are the hosts of the heavenly realms, who sometimes fall from their original duty and take on their own calling.
February:Evil eyes are creatures whose bodies are made up mainly of an enormous eye, which can become capable of various magical effects.
March: Sphinxes are creatures with leonine bodies who typically love riddles and mysteries, though some of their heritages might buck that trend.
April: Gargoyles are proud hunters of the night who can take the form of statues to hide in plain sight.
May: Werecreatures can transform into an animal form or a hybrid form, and they feel the call of the wild when the moon is full.
June: Lamias have a humanoid upper body and a snake or lion lower body, originating from a powerful curse many generations ago.
July: Giants look like enormous humans and are often associated with an element like fire or ice.
August: Golemborns are living creatures who possess certain golem properties.
September: Swarmbloods are creatures whose internals comprise a swarm of tiny creatures.
October: Psychopomps are guides of the dead who help souls pass on and destroy undead and others who disrupt the cycle of life and death.
November: Cerebrophages originally formed when an incutilis bonded symbiotically with a human host rather than killing them and puppeteering their bodies, and they devour the brains of humanoids to maintain their unique biology.
December: Arboreals are trees that come to life, often serving as guardians of nature.
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Releases Next Month!
The World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter just finished, and the PDF will be released next month! We are currently in the process of putting some finishing touches on the PDF and adding the backer islands to the book. This 280-page book does NOT contain any DM-only information and is designed to be used by both players and DMs and is an excellent companion to the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path. Inside this packed book, you will find:
10 new ancestries and heritages, including the mangrove fey bacoo, dream rabbit bannog, and harsh perfectionist xotlxotl from the newly released Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual.
15 new dragons as monsters (20 for 5e) featuring the entire family of wild dragons from Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons, including the amber, cerulean, harlequin, indigo, and vermilion dragons.
10 detailed town gazetteers, each at least four pages, exploring various towns and cities found on the Isles.
Multiple maps of both the islands and the towns.
Detailed overview of the key locations within the Isles, including the people, culture, and areas of interest.
Dozens of story hooks and interesting NPCs can be inserted into any campaign.
An overview of the ancient spiritual religion known as The Eld allows for the creation of all the Eldamon found throughout the world of Alacar.
An expanded overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system known as The Balance.
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above: https://www.backerkit.com/are_you_a_backer.
~Stephen Glicker, Roll for Combat Publisher
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Is In The Warehouse!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 05:31:54 PM
The books have safely arrived in the warehouse! We will begin fulfilling all remaining outstanding orders next week! Thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting for these books to arrive. I promise it will be worth the wait!
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter Ends TONIGHT!
With the release of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles book for both Pathfinder and 5E, many people have been asking for more information about the world of Alacar and Indigo Isles. Well, over the last few months, we have been working secretly on this book, and it's nearly complete! That's right, the World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles will be released right after the Kickstarter is completed! We are trying to move to a new model where instead of doing very large Kickstarters with multiple items released, we will do smaller Kickstarters and then release the book right after the Kickstarter ends.
Plus, all backers can submit their island ideas to be added to the Indigo Isles! Mark Seifter and I will select winners, and Mark will write your island and add it directly to the book! (and yes, the book will still come out on time!)
Make sure not to miss the Kickstarter, as there are a ton of Kickstarter-only features that you won't be able to get once it ends, including:
Free 14"x11" cloth map of the Indigo Isles: this map will NOT be available after the Kickstarter ends.
Have Your Island Added To The Book: have a chance to have your idea added to the final book and work with Mark Seifter!
Limited Edition Version: only available through the Kickstarter, don't miss out on this fantastic book!
Big Savings: lock in Kickstarter-only discounts!
And help us reach this final stretch goal to hear Mark do another rap!!!
Voting for the RPG Superstar contest ends this Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern! If you want to help us determine the new monsters to appear in the upcoming Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm, please vote in the RPG Superstar 2023 contest. Even if you vote on a single monster, every vote helps the contestants!
Where to Find Your Files
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above: https://www.backerkit.com/are_you_a_backer.
~Stephen Glicker, Roll for Combat Publisher
Big Jewel Update and VERY Last Chance To Update Your Address
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 12:02:06 PM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcover Update
Big update, the books are expected to arrive in the warehouse tomorrow, all 18 tons of them. With the books in the warehouse, we will begin sending out all remaining pledges to backers, as this is the last batch of books we were waiting for. As fulfillment is underway, we will continue to provide updates. We expect to start starting fulfillment next week, and we will provide updates throughout the process.
Please Make Sure To Track Your Packages During Fulfilment, Especially Overseas
As orders are fulfilled you will receive tracking information on your shipments, especially for those living overseas. It's very important that after your packages are shipped that you track those packages to ensure they arrive correctly and safely. For oversea shipments, the last leg of the shipment is often done via your local post office and it our experience that nearlyall delays and lost shipments occur during this last stage. Hence, it's very important that you keep track of the shipment and get in contact with your local post office to receive your final shipment. Of course, you can write us during this process and we'll be happy to help you, but it is impossible for us to actively keep track of thousands of shipments, so we do ask that you do your part to ensure your books arrive safely!
Last and Final Call for Address Updates
Although we locked the addresses for the Kickstarter long ago, we have been allowing people to update their address information by sending me a direct message. We can continue to update your shipping information, but please get me your final address and shipping updates no later than August 20, 2023 (this Sunday).
To update your address:
Send me a private message with the email address you used to back the Kickstarter.
Send me your new address. We will update your address before it's shipped out.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry Module
We are in the process of testing part 3 of the adventure, and then the Foundry VTT module for Pathfinder 2e will be complete! We are aiming to have the last part of the module out by the end of the month. It should be close, but we are on track currently. Look for the last part shortly!
Where to Find Your Files
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above: https://www.backerkit.com/are_you_a_backer.
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter Ends Friday!
With the release of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles book for both Pathfinder and 5E, many people have been asking for more information about the world of Alacar and Indigo Isles. Well, over the last few months, we have been working secretly on this book, and it's nearly complete! That's right, the World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles will be released right after the Kickstarter is completed! We are trying to move to a new model where instead of doing very large Kickstarters with multiple items released, we will do smaller Kickstarters and then release the book right after the Kickstarter ends. This upcoming Kickstarter only has the book itself, a cloth map of the Indigo Isles, and some dice cases -- all ready to go!
Plus, all backers can submit their island ideas to be added to the Indigo Isles! Mark Seifter and I will select winners, and Mark will write your island and add it directly to the book! (and yes, the book will still come out on time!)
Make sure not to miss the Kickstarter, as there are a ton of Kickstarter-only features that you won't be able to get once it ends, including:
Free 14"x11" cloth map of the Indigo Isles: this map will NOT be available after the Kickstarter ends.
Have Your Island Added To The Book: have a chance to have your idea added to the final book and work with Mark Seifter!
Limited Edition Version: only available through the Kickstarter, don't miss out on this fantastic book!
Voting for the RPG Superstar contest ends this Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern! If you want to help us determine the new monsters to appear in the upcoming Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm please vote in the RPG Superstar 2023 contest. Even if you vote on a single monster, every vote helps the contestants!
We're in the Home Stretch!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 02:10:38 PM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcover Update
I know everyone is eagerly awaiting their books, and here is an update. The ship is scheduled to arrive in port on July 28, 2023. From there, it usually takes a few days for the shipment to clear customs, load the books onto a truck, and then for the book to arrive in the warehouse. Figure approximately two weeks in total if things go well. Finally, the warehouse will begin assembling the shipments and sending all the books to everyone!
I know this book took much longer than anyone expected, but hopefully, the final result will be something you can proudly display on your shelf, and use, for years to come!
Final Call for Address Updates
Although we locked the addresses for the Kickstarter long ago, we have been allowing people to update their address information by sending me a direct message. We can continue to update your shipping information, but please get me your final address and shipping updates no later than July 28, 2023. You can simply send me your updated address info, and we'll update it immediately.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry Module
We recently finished part 2 of the adventure and added the player's guide as well. That leaves only the last part of the adventure (part 3), and then the Foundry VTT module for Pathfinder 2e will be complete! Look for the final update and module complete by next month.
Where to Find Your Files
We often get many questions about where to find your files from Kickstarter. All digital products are fulfilled via BackerKit, and you'll need to log into your BackerKit account to find and retrieve these files, which you can do here. You can also access your account here if you have issues with the link above: https://www.backerkit.com/are_you_a_backer.
World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles Kickstarter Launches Tomorrow!
With the release of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles book for both Pathfinder and 5E, many people have been asking for more information about the world of Alacar and Indigo Isles. Well, over the last few months, we have been working secretly on this book, and it's nearly complete! That's right, the World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles will be released right after the Kickstarter is completed! We are trying to move to a new model where instead of doing very large Kickstarters with multiple items released, we will do smaller Kickstarters and then release the book right after the Kickstarter ends. This upcoming Kickstarter only has the book itself, a cloth map of the Indigo Isles, and some dice cases -- all ready to go!
Plus,all backers can submit their island ideas to be added to the Indigo Isles! Mark Seifter and I will select winners, and Mark will write your island and add it directly to the book! (and yes, the book will still come out on time!)
Near immediate PDF and Foundry VTT fulfillment once the Kickstarter ends and hardcover fulfillment just a few months after (expected September 2023 for the PDF and Foundry modules, early Q1 2024 for the hardcover books).
Amazing Guest Authors include Robert Mason (AKA Bob World Builder), Linda Codega, Derik Malenda, and many more!
Backer-created islands! Everyone who backs the Kickstarter can submit an island idea to be included in the final product!
10new ancestries and heritages, including the mangrove fey bacoo, dream rabbit bannog, and harsh perfectionist xotlxotl from the newly released Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual.
15new dragons as monsters(20 for 5e) featuring the entire family of wild dragons from Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons, including the amber, cerulean, harlequin, indigo, and vermilion dragons.
9+ detailed town gazetteers, each a minimum of 4 pages in length. exploring various towns and cities found on the Isles.
Multiple maps of both the islands and the towns.
Detailed overview of the key locations within the Isles, including the people, culture, and areas of interest.
Dozens of story hooks and interesting NPCs that can be inserted into any campaign.
An overview of the ancient spiritual religion known as The Eld, which allows for the creation of all the Eldamon found throughout the world of Alacar.
An expanded overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system known as The Balance.
Seven familiars native to the Indigo Isles.
New archetypes/subclasses related to the Isles.
New magic items.
Over 280 pages.
Free cloth 14"x11"map of the Indigo Isles to all Backers who order a physical copy.
Make sure to check it out tomorrow!
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcover Book!
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 01:58:29 PM
Good news! The printing plant is ahead of schedule and finished the binding of all the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover books. They sent me some pictures of the final book and shipped me several copies for approval. Once approved, they will be shipped to the warehouse, and we can begin distribution.
Although the Pathfinder and 5E versions look nearly the same, trust me, they are not! The spine is around the same size as the Pathfinder Core Rule Book, but it should be much easier to handle since the paper is thicker and will more easily lie flat. In addition, the book is sown and bound to ensure it stays together!
That is one thick book!
As always, I will continue to provide updates as we finish the Kickstarter once and for all
Find me at Origins and GenCon!
I will be attending Origins next week and GenCon in August. This is actually my first Origins, and if you find the Knights of Last Call, you'll probably find me somewhere nearby. Otherwise, feel free to come by and say hi.
In a matter of weeks, Wizards of the Coast nearly destroyed a dozen years of community reputation and goodwill with their OGL 1.1 debacle. Hear the inside scope and the untold stories from the people on the front lines of the OGL 1.1, from the people who broke the story and helped bring Hasbro to its knees. Features Stephen Glicker from Roll For Combat, who originally broke the story live on the air while doing his weekly YouTube show.