5e & Pathfinder Monster Hunting & Crafting, Dragon PCs, and Pirate Adventure!
Created by Roll For Combat
Craft ANY gear from slain monsters, Monster Hunting rules, 100+ new award-winning monsters, rules to play one of 45 different Dragons, a level 1-11 pirate adventure, new ancestries, backgrounds, Monster Mage and Vestige Hunter archetypes/subclasses and much more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Several New Releases This Week!
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 12:51:56 AM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure For 5E Released!
We know that 5E fans have been waiting patiently for Jewel of the Indigo Isles to be released for them, but the wait is over!
Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5EPre-Release v1PDF (166 pages) -- This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles adventure. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4) and all of the unique creatures that will appear throughout the adventure. This product is not yet complete and missing the second adventure (levels 5-7) and the final adventure (levels 9-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run quite a bit! Expect the remaining parts to be released shortly.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Player's Guide 5Ev2PDF (38 pages) -- This free guide is full of cool new backgrounds that you can use for any 5E campaign! Plus, it contains build advice for your character and a treasure trove of information that residents know about the city of Rumplank. Anyone can download and use this guide, so feel free to distribute it to your players.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps Pre-Release v2 (23 pages) -- This was released with the Pathfinder version but was just sent out to all the 5E users as well. It's the same PDF for both Pathfinder and 5E and will allow you to easily view and use the maps found in the adventure in a variety of ways. This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4) and the second adventure (levels 5-8). This product is not yet complete and missing the final adventure (levels 9-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run the first adventure. You can use this product to view all the maps from the first adventure with all map information intact, with or without tags, with or without grids, and with or without tags and grids.
Indigo Isles Character Guide for Pathfinder is Complete
In addition to the several 5E releases, we also released the final 103-page Indigo Isles Character Guide for Pathfinder this week. Like the other items, this PDF should appear automatically in your BackerKit downloads. The 5E version is currently in layout and 60% complete and should be released shortly. Inside this guide, you'll find:
Seven new playable ancestries:
Chochori (people created from living coral)
Galtzagorri (flying mischievous fey)
G'mayun (pirate parrot people)
Hardiggan (warrior ram people)
Kragrak (spiritual rock people)
Orpok (hard-working pig people)
Wildfire leshy (charred plants brought to life)
Six new familiars native to the Indigo Isles:
Astroloptrea (cosmic bats)
Embersap Ooze (oozes that use charcoal to express their emotions)
Mechanical Parrot (mechanical parrots infused with magic)
Seafoam Spirit (leshy water spirits)
Shale Hatchling (baby shale spitters)
Toogtoog (froglike creatures that squirt ink from their heads)
Wildfire Leshy (wooden leshy with the spirit of fire within)
An overview of the Gods of Alacar and its faith system — The Balance.
A complete history of The Balance, a faith system based upon a family of gods who walk and interact with the world directly.
25 full-page overview of each of the gods found within The Balance, such as Tova, the God of Law, Lilin the God of Chaos, Amon the God of Revelry, Castilli the God of Restraint, Sewa the God of Rogues, and much more!
The updated and improved Pirate Archetype!
Full rules and details on the mysterious and powerful Old Woody!
The ship with the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons 5E hardcovers should be docking any day now, and then it should be a few more days for the books to arrive in the warehouse. As soon as they do, we will start to fulfill orders. We appreciate everyone being patient for these books to arrive, but your wait will be over shortly.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a direct message, and we'll be happy to help you!
Indigo Isles & Roll20 Update
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 04:19:02 AM
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure #2, Voyage to Runaway Reef, Has Been Released for Pathfinder!
There was another update this morning for all people who pre-ordered the PATHFINDER Jewel of the Indigo Isles Pathfinder adventure path. The second adventure has been completed a new files were released to everyone. These files are:
Jewel of the Indigo Isles PF2 Pre-Release v2 (283 pages) -- This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles adventure. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4) AND the second adventure (levels 5-8). This product is not yet complete and missing the final adventure (levels 9-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run quite a bit! FYI the initial adventure is 99% the same as the prior version, there were some small spelling and text changes, but nothing significant if you were using the prior version. Oh yeah, and we finally included a two-page write-up on Old Woody!
Indigo Isles Character Guide PF2 Pre-Release v2 (94 pages) -- There are two new updates to this file -- six new specific familiars native to the Indigo Isles and 28 pages outlining the faith system found in the world of the Alacar, The Balance. Personally, I think the information on The Balance is one of the best and most interesting things we have ever written, and I can't wait to see what people think of these gods and The Balance.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Player's Guide PF2 v2 (31 pages)-- This is a free player's guide and had some very minor spelling updates; otherwise, it's the same as before. This free guide is full of build advice for your character and a treasure trove of information that residents know about the city of Rumplank. Anyone can download and use this guide, so feel free to distribute it to your players.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps Pre-Release v2 (23 pages)-- This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4) and the second adventure (levels 5-8). This product is not yet complete and missing the final adventure (levels 9-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run the first adventure. You can use this product to view all the maps from the first adventure with all map information intact, with or without tags, with or without grids, and with or without tags and grids.
We expect there will be one more release, the final adventure, and then this should be complete for Pathfinder. It will probably be a bit longer before the final adventure is completed as that adventure is the largest and most complex adventure, but we are hard at work finalizing this adventure.
Since these are pre-release versions, if you find something that should be adjusted within these files, please let us know on the Roll for Combat Discord on the Indigo Isles channel.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5e Update
So now that the Pathfinder version is nearing completion, what about the 5e version? As we mentioned before, the writing and playtesting of this version are nearly complete, and we are working on the layout of these files currently. We will be releasing these files as PDFs in the same order as the Pathfinder versions, with the first adventure released initially (levels 1-4), then the second adventure (levels 5-7), and then finally, the last adventure (levels 8-11). We expect these to be released within the next few weeks.
We will also be releasing the Indigo Isles Character Guide 5E as well as the Free Player's Guide 5E, so be on the lookout for those!
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons 5E for Roll20 Out Now!
For those people who pre-ordered this module during the Kickstarter, we are waiting for the codes from Roll20 and will send those out to everyone as soon as they arrive (should be any minute/day now, just waiting for Roll20 to get those to us).
For those waiting for the Pathfinder version of Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for Roll20, we expect this to go live within the next two weeks.
Overall Status of All Project Items
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Oct 02, 2022 at 11:26:43 PM
Overall Status
Whoa, that's a lot of minis! This is how they are printed and organized before shipping.
Since there are so many items in this project, we wanted to give an overview of where things are so people can plan on when they should be receiving their products. Here is an overview of all items:
Battlezoo Bestiary PDF for PF2 -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary PDF for 5E -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary Hardcovers for PF2 -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Battlezoo Bestiary Hardcovers for 5E-- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons PDF for PF2 -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons PDF for 5E -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Hardcover for PF2 -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Hardcover for 5E -- On the way to the warehouse, should be here by the end of October and will then begin fulfillment.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles PDF for PF2 -- We released the first four chapters a few weeks ago. We are nearly done with the next four chapters' layout and expect to release this one within a few weeks, followed by the final four chapters, the book will be complete at that time.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles PDF for 5E -- We are finalizing the conversion of the first adventure to 5E and expect to release this shortly. The remaining adventures will be released using the same plan as the PF2 version, with four chapters released at a time until the book is complete.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcover for PF2 & 5E -- Once the PDFs are complete, we can print the books. We will be printing both books at the same time to ensure they arrive at the warehouse together.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Player's Guide PDF for 5E (free) -- Being worked on now and expect to release this along with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E PDF at the same time.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Cloth Map -- this will be printed along with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Hardcovers and is ready to go.
Indigo Isles Character Guide PDF for PF2 -- We released the new ancestries a few weeks ago. The next large section of this book is information about The Balance. This is nearly complete and going through final editing. We expect to release the next version of this book along with the next version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles.
Indigo Isles Character Guide PDF for 5E -- We are finalizing the races for 5E and expect to release this along with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles 5E PDF at the same time. We will probably release the articles on The Balance as well at the same time as both can be completed along with the 5E at the same time.
Hard Enamel Monsters Pins -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Die-Cut Vinyl Monster Stickers -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Hunter's Dice Case -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Set of 8 Resin Miniatures -- In the warehouse, if you ordered this and it wasn't bundled with something that hasn't arrived in the warehouse yet, you should have received it by now.
Set of 8 Printable STL Mini Files -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary Foundry VTT for PF2 -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary Foundry VTT for 5E -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary Roll20 VTT for PF2 -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Bestiary Roll20 VTT for 5E -- This is done and was just released today, we are waiting for Roll20 to get back to us with codes so that we can send those out to all backers. As of now, we are just waiting for Roll20 to provide us with the codes, they will go out to Backers as soon as we receive them.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Foundry VTT for PF2 -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Foundry VTT for 5E -- Done and sent to all Backers.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Roll20 VTT for PF2 -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Roll20 VTT for 5E -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT for PF2 -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Foundry VTT for 5E -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Roll20 VTT for PF2 -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Roll20 VTT for 5E -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Indigo Isles Character Guide Foundry VTT for PF2 -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Indigo Isles Character Guide Foundry VTT for 5E -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Indigo Isles Character Guide Roll20 VTT for PF2 -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
Indigo Isles Character Guide Roll20 VTT for 5E -- This is being worked on now and will be updated as soon as it is done and completed.
So as of now, if you ordered all three books (and the cloth map), it will be a while before they will be sent out. However, we have been offering split shipping in which we will send you everything in the warehouse to date and then the Jewel of the Indigo Isles when that comes in. If you are interested in this, please contact us, and we will work out the details with you. In the meantime, please be patient as the Jewel of the Indigo Isles is massive and will be well worth the wait (we are nearly at 300 pages for chapters 1-8... and chapters 9-12 are the largest by far, so who knows what size this book will end up at?).
Here is a small sneak preview of some of the gods from The Balance. I am very excited for you to check this out as I believe people will be very excited to read and try these gods out in your games as they are unlike anything you have seen before!Enjoy!
Jewel of the Indigo Isles for Pathfinder Pre-Release Out Now!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 04:35:56 AM
What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Hazzah! The initial pre-release is complete!
After what seems like thousands of hours of writing, editing, testing, proofreading, design, and more, the Jewel of the Indigo Isles for Pathfinder has been released to backers!
Multiple files were released to Backers this morning, please note what's included in this release (all are PDF only):
Jewel of the Indigo Isles PF2 Pre-Release v1 -- This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles adventure. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4). This product is not yet complete and missing the second and third adventures (levels 4-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run the first adventure. As the next two adventures are completed, this PDF will be updated and provided to you automatically. The next two adventures should be completed and released well before anyone can finish running the first adventure.
Indigo Isles Character Guide PF2 Pre-Release v1 -- This is the pre-release version of the Indigo Isles Character Guide. It is intended for players to use when building characters to run for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles campaign or any other Pathfinder campaign. This product is not yet complete and missing some sections, but will be updated over time and has enough information for players to use right away to build and run a character native to the Indigo Isles.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Player's Guide PF2 v1 -- This is a free player's guide and should be final. This free guide is full of build advice for your character and a treasure trove of information that residents know about the city of Rumplank. Anyone can download and use this guide, so feel free to distribute it to your players.
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps Pre-Release v1 -- This is the pre-release version of the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Interactive Maps. It contains the entirety of the first adventure (levels 1-4). This product is not yet complete and missing the second and third adventures (levels 4-11), but will be updated over time and has enough information for GMs to run the first adventure. You can use this product to view all the maps from the first adventure with all map information intact, with or without tags, with or without grids, with or without tags and grids,
As of now, only the Pathfinder version has been released to Backers. We will be working on the 5E version as well (as it's complete) and expect to release the same files for 5E backers in the near future.
Since these are pre-release versions, if you find something that should be adjusted within these files, please let us know on the Roll for Combat Discord on the Indigo Isles channel.
We will be continuing to edit and update these files until the entire adventure is complete. This initial push was the most difficult and time-consuming aspect of the project. We will continue to keep everyone updated on the progress and look forward to seeing the 5E version and the Pathfinder pre-release version 2 shortly.
Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons Pathfinder Shipments Near Complete
We have been busy shipping books to those who ordered the Battlezoo Bestiary and/or the Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons for Pathfinder. Nearly all books should have been shipped by now. If you haven't gotten a notice that your books shipped, please let us know, and we'll look into that right away.
The New Battlezoo.com Is Now Open & Eldamon Pre-Orders
We also updated our online store! You can view the new and improved battlezoo.com, where you can order all of our products and now pre-order the products from our last Kickstarter for those who missed out. Here you can pre-order:
We will continue to add other items from the Kickstarter over time, but those are available for pre-order today. Pre-ordering will automatically provide you with the pre-release PDFs and playtest materials as they are released, including the upcoming Eldamon Pre-Release Befriending Guide with full rules to allow you to find and befriend in your TTRPG games right away!
More to Come...
The Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons book for 5E is on the ship and should be in port within the month. We will then fulfill all orders that we can like we did for the Pathfinder versions. As for the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover book, we will continue to update and provide updates to all backers with the PDFs versions. We are planning on printing all the Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover books at once, so the final shipments can be sent out to everyone at the same time. And, of course, the VTT modules are also being worked on as well. Stay tuned for more updates shortly.
Dragons for PF2 Shipping, Jewel Preview, Kickstarter Ends Tomorrow
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 08:11:42 PM
As we mentioned earlier in the week, the Battlezoo Ancestries:Dragons for Pathfinder hardcover book has begun shipping to everyone. For those who pre-ordered multiple items, such as the BattlezooBestiary, stickers, dice case, pins, or other items, those will be included in your shipment as well. We appreciate your patience in getting these books.
As for the Battlezoo Ancestries:Dragons for 5th Edition hardcover book, we expect that to arrive in October, and we will ship them as soon as they arrive.
And for those of you who also ordered Jewel of the Indigo Isles hardcover, you can write us via direct message on Kickstarter, and we can work with you on setting up split shipping, where you will get the above items sent right away and the Jewel book once it arrives. Just write us via Kickstarter to work this out!
Jewel of the Indigo Isles Preview
As we have been mentioning for quite some time, we were waiting on some maps to be completed for the adventure. We have received those maps and are in the process of running through the final proofreading of the first adventure, Search for the Missing Map, by Patrick Renie. And just to help put people's minds at ease, here is a quick preview of the intro to the adventure. So very light spoilers ahead! :)
Light spoilers ahead for those who want to enter the adventure fresh! :)
I realize that this has been a long wait for many people, but I promise you it will be worth it in the end. The maps are of the highest quality I have ever seen in any adventure ever produced (and I'm not just saying that, just wait until you see them), we have hundreds upon hundreds of illustrations, and the quality of the adventure itself has been receiving with rave reviews by the initial playtesters.
In total, we have spent several thousands of hours (if not tens of thousands of hours) working on this adventure to make sure it is one of the best adventurers you have ever seen. All of this time and effort has allowed us to fine-tune the adventure and make it just that much better via playtesting and feedback, and we truly think it will be worth the wait.
We are in the home stretch here and will start to release the adventures as they are completed as PDFs to all backers so that they can begin to read them and even start the adventure right away if they wish. As each adventure is completed, we will release them to the backers, and then finally, the completed book will then be printed and shipped to everyone.
Our Latest Kickstarter Ends This Friday
Just another reminder that our latest Kickstarter ends this Friday. We are well ahead of schedule in producing the content for this Kickstarter, and now that we have Mark Seifter onboard full time, he can assist in providing regular updates and content for everyone who backed both this Kickstarter and our next!
As usual, you can expect the highest quality artwork and writing in all of our books, and we made sure to add some amazing content you simply won't find anywhere else! Where else can you either play a monster PC, train monsters to fight for you, hunt monsters for strange and unusual parts for your weapons and gear, or slowly transform yourself into a monster with a new subclass/archetype?
Where else will you get the chance to play a Dryad Barbarian?
There should be something in here for everyone, and the Eldamon Battles card game is also coming along as well. And if you back the Kickstarter, you can participate in the playtest of the Eldamon Battles card game as well.
For those who are interested in how this game will work, here is a sneak preview of Eldamon Battles with Mark and Linda!
We truly hope that if you enjoy the books we have released to date that you will back this Kickstarter so that we can continue to create awesome books for all of your 5th Edition and Pathfinder games!
As always, if you have any questions about this Kickstarter or any other of our products, please let us know, and we will be happy to answer them!